Zero Pressure Book Club

The place where we talk books and get inspired by eachothers reading. Live online meetings once per month + a private online community.

No required reading and we won't discuss just one book. Instead  you are invited to come and talk about a book you love. Tell us why you love it and get inspired by books the others are bringing! Not in a talkative mood? Just come and listen!

Upcoming Dates:

  • Sunday April 28, 7pm 
  • Monday May 27 , 7pm - Special Reading edition We will do things a little differently this time. I know all of our TBR (To-Be-Read) Lists have gotten longer because of the book club, but when do you find the time to read?! So we will each bring a book that we are currently reading! Shortly tell us about the book and then spend about an hour just reading together!  
  • Monday June 24 , 7pm  
  • Monday July 29 , 7pm - Special Reading edition We will do things a little differently this time. I know all of our TBR (To-Be-Read) Lists have gotten longer because of the book club, but when do you find the time to read?! So we will each bring a book that we are currently reading! Shortly tell us about the book and then spend about an hour just reading together!
  • All times are given at Amsterdam time.

The Zero Pressure Book Club is free to join!
If you'd like to make a contribution, please use one of our tip jars here: iDeal(bank) | Credit Card | PayPal

Joining our Zero Pressure Book Club is free, all you need to do is sign up below and you'll have access to the Club!

Book Club


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