Trouble letting go of stress, tension or thoughts?

Use these tools to help your body and mind relax and let go!

Relax your body and mind

with the letting go package

  • 4+ hours of recordings
  • Different lengths and types of classes
  • Suitable for every body

It's time to stop feeling so overwhelmed. Allow the tension to flow away. Let go.

What's included?

Flow Yoga

Enjoy a quick 15 minutes or 1-hour flow yoga class
that will help you move your body and let go of any tension!

Restorative Yoga

Relax and release tension in body and mind with
a sweet, supportive restorative yoga class

Yoga Nidra

Allow your body to relax while your mind takes a journey
in yogic sleep, during this short, sweet yoga nidra session

biddy Messchaert

Yoga teacher - Yoga therapist in training - Retreat organizer - Podcast and Book Club host

Biddy is the founder of Yoga Vayu and co-founder and host of The Show Up & Surrender podcast and The Zero Pressure Book Club.

Her one-on-one work with clients has prompted her to study to become a Yoga therapist. This will allow her to support her clients even better in many ways. Working trauma sensitive and with knowledge about how to work safely with people that might be suffering from injury or disease. Her 875 hour training is going well so far and she will start her case study work in the summer of 2024.

She is already a certified Yoga teacher for a variety of Yoga Styles. On her membership she focuses on embodied movement in both flow and restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra. She also hosts workshops and Retreats in the Netherlands, abroad and online! She teaches group and private sessions both online and in the greater Delft area, and wherever Yoga classes and retreats take her! While she loves teaching big groups, her heart makes a happy dance when she teaches small group and one-on-one classes.

You may also know her as the founder of Coming Home Retreats & Workshops.

She lives in Delft with Joost (husband) and Jillian (dog), loves books, music, movies, gaming and so much more!

Your investment:

Letting Go


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Financial aid is available for all Yoga Vayu organized classes and events. If you feel like you and I should get on a Yoga mat together, but don't have the financial means, reach out. I'm quite sure we can work something out. Email me: