I'm not quite ready to let summer go

Nearing the end of summer, there is still a lot to come!

Hello darling,

I starting writing this letter at one of my favorite spots. This summer I’ve been going to Røstig once per month for a weekend filled with teaching workshops I’m always so happy to find how special it is when we -as humans- choose to put our energy and time into ourselves. It happens here, it happens during our The Hague Connect days and it’s what happens when we go to our Portugal Retreat. Allowing yourself to take out time to spend on YOU, is almost a magical decision. Once you choose to invest a certain period of time in YOU, you open the door to beautiful things.

Remember: it doesn’t have to be on a retreat, it doesn’t have to be a day or an hour even. Taking 3 conscious breaths can have a big effect too. Why not try it now? I’ll wait 😉.

Aaaaaahhhh, see? So so good.

About the Portugal Retreat

I’m looking forward to extending the feeling of summer during our October Portugal Retreat. The group of people that is already signed up is so great, I’ll be honest: I almost forgot to promote that we still have more spots available! But there are just a few spots left and I would love it if you join us!

The program is now set. Our workshops will include: restorative yoga, movement meditation, (back to) basics, (slow) flow, kirtan, meditation, (re)discover your senses, yoga nidra and more.

It may seem like a lot doesn’t it? It is a lot. But I promise you, there will also be plenty of time to relax and spend by yourself if you want! Find the full schedule on the website, it’s now open to preview before you book.

Restore with me

This Saturday it’s time for our Monthly Restore and I would love it if you join us there. The theme for this session is Letting Go. There’s still time to sign up!

photo by Evamaria Kulovits

What does this mean to you? We will start, as always, with a talk. Helping us come into the moment and checking in with ourselves. What are you holding on to? Is it serving you? You can dive as deep as you feel comfortable and of course you can hover lightly on the surface. I will help you find a comfortable space to practice from.

Saturday August 27: 10 - 11.45 am - live online. Book your spot here.

Yoga Nidra live online

Can’t make it Saturday, but really would love to relax with me? Join the online Yoga Nidra this Sunday evening!

It’s live online, audio only. You get comfortable and I will talk you through deeper and deeper stages of relaxation. Allow your body to rest, so your mind can calm yet stay awake, creating space for blissful relaxation and awareness.

Sunday August 28: 9 - 9.45 pm - live online. Book your spot here.

Coming Home is Coming Back

Last, but not least. I am so happy to announce the third installment of the Coming Home Retreat! Our group is teachers is expanding and I can’t wait to tell you more about what we will do! Soon, I promise! But for now….

Save the Date: November 11-12-13

That’s all for now darling. Thank you for making your way to the end of this letter, I appreciate you so. Please let me know how you are doing, I would love to hear from you!

As always with love,

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